Case Study: Paper Link Paper Converting Industry

About The Project

Paper Link renowned and trusted paper manufacturers and exporters in UAE deals in the design and manufacturing of numerous tissue products including facial tissues, maxi rolls, toilet rolls, fold tissues, t-tork tissues, table napkins, auto cut rolls etc. Blue Bell the leading brand of tissue products is manufactured by Paper Link.
Digital Links was assigned with the work of Amazon SEO of the product Bluebell Sterilized Kitchen Towel.

Low Product Discoverability, Low Visibility, Poor Ranking, Poor sales and ROI in Amazon

Bluebell Sterilized Kitchen Towel sales went down considerably with no Amazon SEO marketing activity. Eventhough the product was priced at affordable rate customers did not find them quickly or easily in the list. The product ranked very low and was often ignored by the potential customers. ROI soon got affected and Bluebell started losing its market leadership.

Unsatisfactory Amazon SEO

Bluebell Sterilized Kitchen Towel had good visibility offline, in the local and the international market. With online market gaining prominence and customers starting to prefer online buying, the sales of the product began to get affected. The product eventhough had online presence was not discoverable in the vast ocean of Amazon marketplace. Paper Link had the top quality of Sterilized Kitchen Towel to sell but very few or no buyers. The opportunity to sell the product over time further got reduced with similar products from different brands taking over the product list ranking.

The Problem Solvers: Digital Links Amazon SEO Team

Digital Links Amazon SEO Team was allocated with the work of Amazon SEO of Bluebell Sterilized Kitchen Towel. Having expertise in the area of comprehensive Amazon SEO, strategies and methods were implemented. The drawbacks were found at first and then the buying pattern, competitor analysis, current ranking of the product, source of traffic etc were analysed in detail. Based on the findings Amazon SEO measures were developed.

The Solution: Comprehensive Amazon SEO

Comprehensive Amazon SEO work done by Digital Links included In-Depth Keyword Research and Analysis, Product List Optimization, Competitor Analysis, PPC Campaigns, Creation of Persuasive Copies etc. Exclusive methods specific to the product was developed. All the measures were developed and executed in the shortest possible time after taking approval from the client.

The Result – Product ranked first in the Amazon E-commerce result page, Growth in Sales

Amazon SEO of the product began to reap its benefits very soon. The product ranking and visibility significantly improved. Within a short time Bluebell Sterilized Kitchen Towel ranked first in the Amazon E-commerce site search result. Along with it the conversion rates also increased and the sales of the product also drastically increased, thereby improving the ROI. The product is displayed first whenever potential buyers use any keywords related to the product.

Need similar results? Here is all you need to know:

Having adequate knowledge about the market and equipped with all the necessary resources Digital Links have clients from more than 30 different industries. Our Amazon SEO solutions have been proven and we continue to integrate new methods and analytics to help business grow and increase their sales in Amazon.

Building effective and efficient Amazon SEO solutions is our aim. We are guided by our passion to empower business by planning, building and implementing effective digital marketing methods. We have our presence in the UK, UAE and Qatar.


As it is known products listed in Amazon are incalculable. Your product will only sell if you stand out. Digital Links will make your product stand out and will boost customer engagement.

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